From his interviews with various people,Jon shares with the readers the insights he gleamed from the comments and views of people on how and what they believe.
Living a Christian life means sharp realisation that we cannot be possibly good on our own and our only chance is to surrender to God the only one who can truly transform us.Jon shares too that our spirituality changes over the course of a life time with the first half in which we concentrate on law, custom, traditions, authority and structure and gradually we imbibe and internalise the values of patience, forgiveness, perseverence into ultimately realising that we need to love God and our neighbours as His commandments and basic principles in our life.
We are urged to keep our faith simple and to share the words of Christ with the community.As we enter into a relationship with God, we turn in desperation to plead with God, " Let me seek after You today."
We can never fathom the mysteries of the virgin birth, the divinity of Jesus, His physical resurrection but though we may be lost,we continue in our quest to continue searching for Him.
As we continue with our Christian life, we ask God to work through us, to use our gifts so that we can help someone. With God's guidance, we become clearer about what we know, what we don't, what we can do and what we can't.
By faithfully following God's promptings, we continue on our jouney following his lead and direction.
As we cast our cares and fears into God's hands,we learn to accept our circumstances in a graceful and grateful manner and then gradually realise that our fears are transformed into an inner strength that is not our own.
As spiritual explorers, we grow to be intimate with God and ask Him to give us the passion to share His love with others, responding to the divine with our whole selves and not just our minds.
As we get to know our God, we accept the paradoxes that God is great but He is also a still small voice inside us; He is the creator and sustainer of galaxies, but also an intimate friend.
We are advised to avoid absolutism and relativism and to unite with all life.
By being honest with what we don't understand, we accept what and where we are, trusting that God will ultimately reveal Himself to us. We are led to question what is our greater purpose and what is greater than we are.
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