A doctor looks at the book of Job- Diane M.Komp MD
Personal suffering goes to the heart of the matter- our relationship with God
“The lord gave and the lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord( Job1:21)
You shall love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul” applies at home, at worship and on the job
Integrity helps us to move from “Why me?” to since it is me, what am I going to do about it?” Integrity is about me and how I relate to the rest of the universe.
Discern, act and share if we want to be whole persons.
Job shared his discernment-“Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?”
Persons of integrity in relationship with God and fellow beings can choose to do what is right.
Our suffering friends need companionship. A warm meal is preferable to chilly words. When we simply and silently enter into the suffering of another, we bring God along with us. Hold fast to faith and relationship with God. Through our tears like blessed Job, we can bear witness to the power of God in the world. Blessed be the name of the Lord who takes us up!